Welcome to your destination for support to greater Mindfulness and Self-Mastery. I’d like this to be a frequent stop on your journey as you go higher into your Consciousness and deeper into yourSelf.
In its simplest form, mindfulness is simply noticing. First and foremost, it’s noticing what’s going on within you. This includes your inner feelings and perspectives about yourself, also known as self-awareness, and also your inner feelings and perspectives about others and the world.
Mindfulness also incorporates your awareness of and relationship to all aspects of the world around you, and being in the present moment to fully experience it.

Self-Mastery is mastering yourself in your life so you can exquisitely manage whatever your life brings your way. Again, self-awareness is key. What are your habitual patterns of thinking? What feelings go along with those thoughts? How does your body respond to either, or the combination of the two? How do your express yourself to others and the world?
Noticing what is going on inside you is the gateway to being the inspired and empowered leader of your life. Then, it’s about consciously and courageously choosing options that serve you to reach your highest potential every moment, and in any circumstance.

The blog and videos provide nuggets of wisdom to help you navigate your life circumstances. Our “fun stuff” is resources you can use to grow your mindfulness and self-mastery skills. Our virtual community provides space to connect and interact with Valerie and like-hearted people so you’re not going it alone.
You already are complete. You are already whole. You are already Magnificent. There’s no amount of Facebook “likes”, Instagram “hearts”, Twitter “followers”, Snapchat “stories”, friends, food, money, studying, reading, power, status, or shopping that will make you more whole and happy. While these things are nice to have and do, the Truth is that everything you need is already inside of you…and mindfulness and self-mastery are powerful tools to help you fully realize this.
Thanks for visiting the Heartly Center. We encourage you to share the site with others who need what we’re offering. We invite you to come back often to check for new content and see what events are happening in your area.
For access to tips and tools that support your choice to strengthen your mindfulness and self-mastery, fill in the box below.